
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Soal Ujian Bhs Inggris PDGK4304 (bagian 3)

21.     Receptionist : National Library. Good afternoon.
Shirley : Good afternoon. ....
Receptionist : I’m sorry. He is out for lunch.
A.        Is it seven six three, five three, four five?
B.         May I speak to Mr. Haryono, please?
C.         Is it the National Library?
D.        This is Shirley speaking

22.     Buyer : Excuse me. Where can I buy the fruits?
Shop keeper : They are in the ...
A.        meat department
B.         produce section
C.         bakery section
D.        dairy section

23.     Traditional Market                                 Supermarket
Sugar           Rp. 6500                               Rp. 7000
Fried oil/Liter            Rp. 7000               Rp. 7500
Dari table yang diberikan, kita dapat membuat perbandingan seperti
A.        The prices in the traditional market is more expensive than those in the
B.         Sugar is more expensive in the traditional market than that in the
C.         Fried oil is cheaper in the traditional market than that in the supermarket
D.        Sugar is cheaper in the supermarket than that in the traditional market

24.     I’m very thirsty. I need ... water to drink.
A.        a glass of
B.         a piece of
C.         a slice of
D.        a kilo of

25.     My mother needs to buy ...
A.        some apple
B.         some cheese
C.         an oranges
D.        a cheese

26.     Do you put ... sugar in my tea? It’s too sweet.
A.        a lot of
B.         several
C.         many
D.        any

27.     Buyer : ... I want to buy a kilo of mango.
Seller : Yes, here you are. Two thousand rupiahs.
A.        Do you have a change for ten thousand rupiahs?
B.         How much does a kilo of mango cost?
C.         How many mangoes do you need?
D.        Do you want some mangoes?

28.     The waitres : May I take your order, please?
Marta : ....
A.        Yes, I would like fried rice with scramble eggs, salad, and chili sauce
B.         I like to have something to eat and drink for my breakfast
C.         What would you like for your breakfast?
D.        I need to have a table for five

29.     Foreigner : Excuse me. How to get to Ragunan zoo, please?
Rudi : ...
A.        You take the bus to Pasar Minggu, and take the other public transportation to Ragunan Zoo
B.         Take any public transportation, then ask the driver to get you off at the Zoo
C.         It is very far away, but you can walk along the road side to the Zoo
D.        You can go there by plane then take the Damri Bandara bus

30.     Alam : ......
Andri : It takes about an hour by bus.
A.        Do you go to the office by bus, or by any other transportation?
B.         How long does it take to the office from your house?
C.         Is it very long time to get to your office by bus?
D.        How many hours do you need?

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